Natasha Demberg, BSc, MSc, Quality & Compliance, Demberg Pharma Solutions
Magda Joseph, B. Eng., Regional Supervisor, GMP Inspection - East, Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch, Health Canada/Government of Canada
Michael Hodgkinson, B.S., Owner and Principal Consultant, Orvera Scientific Ltd
Any question:
Lead by: Kia Kahhali, Founder and CEO, APS Compliance Consultants Inc.
Lead François Lavallée, M.Sc., Biologiste organisationnel et président de Aliter Concept.
Lead by: Michael Hodgkinson, B.S., Owner and Principal Consultant, Orvera Scientific Ltd.
Vamsi Kosaraju, M.Sc., Director, Quality Assurance, Teva Canada Limited
To optimize your experience on the roundtable discussions, we encourage participants to submit their questions to in advance to
David W. Vincent, PhD, CEO, VTI Life Sciences
David L. Chesney, MSJ, DL Chesney Consulting, LLC. Former FDA
Nadine M. Ritter, Ph.D., President and Senior Analytical Advisor, Global Biotech Experts, LLC
Steven Walfish, President, Statistical Outsourcing Services
Any question:
Lead by: Kia Kahhali, Founder and CEO, APS Compliance Consultants Inc.
Lead François Lavallée, M.Sc., Biologiste organisationnel et président de Aliter Concept.
Lead by: Nadine M. Ritter, Ph.D., President and Senior Analytical Advisor, Global Biotech Experts, LLC
Steven Walfish President, Statistical Outsourcing Services
Presented by: David L. Chesney, MSJ, Principal and General Manager, DL Chesney Consulting, LLC,
Presented by: Mathieu Fournier, M.Sc., Director, R&D and Scientific Affairs, Neopharm Labs
To optimize your experience on the roundtable discussions, we encourage participants to submit their questions to in advance to
This Session will be highly interactive with audience members actively participating in an open discussion of their audit experience. Through discussion and examples, participants will gain an understanding of how to prepare for and audit, strategies to conduct a successful audit, ways to respond to audit observations and remote audits. The following topics will help guide the discussion:
Preparing for a third-party audit or inspection
Conducting the audit
Responding to audit findings
Alan Golden, BS, MS Principal, Design Quality Consultants, LLC
Natasha Demberg, BSc, MSc, Quality & Compliance, Demberg Pharma Solutions
Note: Agenda is subject to change without notice. Please check back regularly for updates.